Monday, August 08, 2016

Birthday Treats 2016

Monday, 8 August 2016

I told Mike not to give me any card nor flowers, for my birthday.  I also said I don't want any other material things.   I actually requested that on his way home to get me a yogurt ice cream from Braum's.   He returned home with a pizza for dinner and a ice cream cake.   That was great!   I don't care for the pizza but I love the ice cream cake.  It was delicious.

Friday, August 05, 2016

Mum's Knitting

Friday, 5 August 2016

Most of my clothings, when I was growing up, was sewn by Mum.   I remembered she told me she learnt to sew by herself.  If she is alive now, I would tell her how much I appreciate her dedication in bringing us up.   There were 5 children and she was the best mother.   We hardly get sick.  We were cleaned and fed.    

These are the 2 knitted items that I have kept that she had made.  A blue sweater for me (when I was already a teenager). A red/green strip v-check vest for my younger brother when he was in his childhood.   The bottom pink strip was a replacement or an added strip.   My younger brother passed away 8 years before our Mom passed.

I didn't follow her foot steps in sewing.   Her granddaughter does.  Mum would be so proud of this granddaughter, who happens to be her first grandchild and a special one too.

Mom Hanging Sign

Friday, 5 August 2016

I love this sign from my son, Yean.   Thank you so much.


Friday, 5 August 2016

I get all sorts of mugs during my life, but I still kept these two.   20 year or more ago, a work colleage (Sebah P) gave me the mug with my name on it.   I love it.    And 9 years ago, Mike gave me the one with a teddy bear attached.   I have not used it at all.

Christmas Presents 2015

Friday, 5 August 2016

So for Christmas presents, Mike got me a kitchen aid.   I love it.      I had wanted it but didn't think I need it since I have my 250 watt hand mixer which works great, except that it does not have the fixture for kneading dough.
Christmas present from Mike - Kitchen Aid

Mike wanted a tablet and he ordered one, so I paid him back and treated it as my Christmas present to him.
Christmas present for Mike - tablet