That was my girl, who loves to draw and does things with her hands. Amidst her busy schedule as a full time missionary, Lian colored a birthday card, which I received in the post yesterday. Thank you Lian for your time and effort. That was a very special present.
A video presentation - a gift that I have not received before and never thought I would receive. I was touched that 2 young ladies, whom I only knew since 2006, would have produce this presentation just for me. My tears dropped throughout the show - the song, the pictures of my beloved mum, children, friends, etc. Thank you Sister Khrissy and Sister Jennifer.
Thank you Brother/Sister Broadhead for your electronic birthday card. I really appreciate your continual friendship and support to me and my children. And to my dearest friend, Lee Hong, for your electronic birthday card and your continual friendship as well. Thank you Merri for the birthday text message
Mike handed me 3 stalks of roses on Tuesday 22 July. He mistook his mother's birthday for mine! Definitely sign of old age! I was glad he didn't buy me any birthday cake or sweet this year because I don't care for those things. We watched "Journey to the Center of the Earth" at the Hawkins Theatre in Yuma Palms and had dinner at one of my favorite restaurants - Olive Garden. Thank you Mike for a lovely birthday evening celebration.
Gosh! I am a year older! In no time, I will be looking at my mother in the mirror!